🜀 Essence
This is a demonstration package that uses the PDS Node.js template repository.
Please visit our website at: https://nasa-pds-engineering-node.github.io/essence
It has useful information for developers and end-users. Allegedly.
💽 Prerequisites
🏎️ User Quickstart
You can quickly install this by typing
npm install
✋ Code of Conduct
All users and developers of the NASA-PDS software are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct. Please read this to ensure you understand the expectations of our community.
🔧 Development
To develop this project, use your favorite text editor, or an integrated development environment of your choice with Node.js support.
👏 Contributing
For information on how to contribute to NASA-PDS codebases please take a look at our Contributing guidelines.
🤫 Detecting Secrets
(These instructions can probably stay as-is.)
The PDS Engineering Node recommends using detect-secrets in order to prevent credentials, private email addresses, application keys, etc., from leaking into the commit history. To use detect-secrets
, install the tool according to the instructions in the wiki. Then, make a baseline for any secrets that are supposed to be in repository:
detect-secrets scan . \
--all-files \
--disable-plugin AbsolutePathDetectorExperimental \
--exclude-files '\.secrets..*' \
--exclude-files '\.git.*' \
--exclude-files '\.pre-commit-config\.yaml' \
--exclude-files 'node_modules' > .secrets.baseline
Review the .secrets.baseline
to determine which should be allowed and which are false positives:
detect-secrets audit .secrets.baseline
Please remove any secrets that should not be seen by the public. You can then add the baseline file to the commit:
git add .secrets.baseline
Then, configure the pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit install -t pre-push
pre-commit install -t prepare-commit-msg
pre-commit install -t commit-msg
These hooks then will check for any future commits that might contain secrets.
👉 Note: A one time setup is required both to support detect-secrets
and in your global Git configuration. See the wiki entry on Secrets to learn how.